Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Black Santa Rides the Fire Train- MONOLITHS album review

Black Santa Rides The Fire Train cover art

Self Defense Family, Converge, Infest, Cursive, Death Grips, The National, and Botch.

What do these bands have in common? Perhaps it’s the playlist of a hardcore fan that’s trying to branch out? Turns out that’s not too far from the truth. The list of bands above found their way into Black Santa Rides the Fire Train a surprisingly great cover album by Massachusetts hardcore outfit MONOLITHS. The young and versatile quartet tackles each of these songs with equal parts passion and ferocity.

Self Defense Family’s “I’m Going Through Some Shit” perfectly opens the album with a bluesy guitar that buzzes with anger. Kehan Larivee hollers like a crossbreed between Tom Waits and Isaac Brock and only withdraws from his strain inducing tone a few times, with each instance becoming a powerful blow. The first break from his vocal cord tearing has him saying “good luck son, I hope you crash,” with all the disinterest of a sociopath watching a plane crash. The second time has Larivee’s voice cracking as he proclaims “you are your own man.” The instruments let him rest as they take the last half of the song down a rumbling and churning road. The Converge track that follows serves mainly as a vehicle for Brian McNally’s fantastic guitar work. He nails the tapping guitar riff and makes the muddied post-chorus section even grittier.

Unlike many of their peers MONOLITHS don’t hide in lo-fi grunge. In fact both “Mistaken for Strangers” and “From the Hips” verge on pretty, even while McNally and bassist Matt Campo fuzz up the lower end of the sound. Drummer Christian Northover also refuses to slip into traditional rock clichés. “I’m Going Through Some Shit”’s outro is a complex piece of work and Northover doesn’t lack in restraint on “Mistaken for Strangers.” But Larivee’s vocal flexibility is eye-brow raising levels of impressive. He moves from the aforementioned hollering to screaming, speaking, and charming vocal-pop. That last quality comes up on the excellent Cursive cover “From the Hips.” Larivee’s voice duets with itself only occasionally reaching into his harsher tones and Northover drives the song along at a great clip after the intro.

Out of the seven tracks here five are evenly solid tracks that flow well. However the other two tracks swing to farther ends of the spectrum. On the less fortunate end is the Infest cover which never comes together as cohesive. It’s the only time that Larivee feels out of place and where Northover falls into classic drummer traps making the song boring, bordering on annoying. Thankfully on the ridiculously surprising end of the spectrum lies “No Love.”  Yes it’s the Death Grips cover and it’s shockingly good. With a little help from guest vocalist Charlie Mansion MONOLITHS turn MC Ride’s serial killer flow into some seriously angry white boy rap, insane in its own way. And that’s not even mentioning how the rest of the band turns the song into a trashing industrial mess that comes to a terrifying head with Northover pulling off a brutal double kick-drum outro.

It should be mentioned that even after the band ran out of free downloads on their bandcamp they’re still insisting that you grab it for free. With their energizing and horrifying work this might be one of the best (legal) free downloads you’ll get this year. 

Listen here: http://monolithswillkillyou.bandcamp.com/album/black-santa-rides-the-fire-train

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